Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’


Adorable miniature hosta. Thick (almost rubbery), round, blue-green to grey-green leaves. Forms a perfectly symmetrical mound. Perfect for the rock gardens and containers. Prefers light to full shade

Adorable miniature hosta. Thick (almost rubbery), round, blue-green to grey-green leaves. Forms a perfectly symmetrical mound; moderate growth rate. Flower buds are held horizontally and swell like balloons before opening. Clusters of lavender, bell-shaped flowers are produced on proportionally short 12″ scapes in midsummer. Perfect for the collector, rock gardens, and containers. Prefers light to full shade.

Additional information

Latin Name

Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'

Hardiness Zones



Partial Shade, Shade

Mature Height


Mature Width



1 gallon, 2 gallon